Project Dried Oasis made on Cap Verde 2015

Thursday, January 20, 2011

To worship the sun in a contemporary life style

Going on hollyday at the seaside in Uruguay, I became a witness to a local tradition and a modern way of paying attention to a natural force in a highly ritualized way. Arriving early evening at the 1 of January in Piriapolis, east cost of Uruguay, I was surprised to find such a crouded beach and city! People were hanging around waiting to make their contribution to the sun, -as most habitats do every 1 of January only in Piriapolis.
Half an hour before sunset, people lined up at the beach, facing the Atlantic ocean and a setting sun.Load speakers were places along the sea score, and one person were guiding the whole cloud through a ceremonial action by speaking in a microphone standing at the beach as well. Everyone did as the speaker said. They closed their eyes, opened their hearts to the sun as the voice suggested, lifted their hands towards the sun, all at once and with warm feelings and thought control, they spread their message of love, contribution and light - to the rest of the world.
It was a very unusual event, and quite impressive since the line or unbroken chain, (as they liked to describe the event) was stretching a couple of kilometers. Hundreds and hundreds of people were lining up, all kinds; children, grannies, men women, young, old. Some were standing at the pavement further up close to buildings, just looking, silently, noon spoke a word during 40 min. Just watching a chain of humans, an ocean bathing in shifting colors and a setting sun.
How and when this started I do not know, but it was simply one of this things that traveling brings along as best.

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