Project Dried Oasis made on Cap Verde 2015

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Abyss at Island V 2014

Stromboli is a harsh island, far from a paradise, but yet with an attraction hard to find. So many places to see in this world, but this island made me come back once again - after 10 years. Island V is a small project, made during one day. Maybe one should not call it a project, could it be seen more  as a diary note?
The lines made by black lava stones shaping 10 V:s, on large concrete blocks, was inspired by the outer form of the island - ricing like a black suger mountain - straight up 900 m. from sea level  with a constant ongoing eruption at the very top.  If you then go for a swim,  just 100  meter out in the water,  you have the depth of 1200 m. under water. It is indeed a special place on earth. You are actually on the slope of an abyss!